Rise until you can feel the power of who you are and embody the divine energies of creation and love.
Marisa Ciervo
A world awakened to greater individual and collective awareness.
Accompanying people to their full potential.
Love, Co-creativity, Humanism, Humor, Freedom.
Delighted to welcome you!
My name is Marisa. I’m a coach and facilitator in relationship, with over 20 years’ experience in intercultural and intergenerational management. As the origin of my name suggests, I’m an ‘illustrious fighter’, which sums up my attitude to life, its challenges and my awakening.
Have you ever wondered how likely you were to be born? Studies speak of only ONE in 400,000,000,000,000,000…. In other words, a probability of practically zero. In other words, we’re incredibly lucky to exist!
So who are we? What are we really looking for in life? What do we want that’s different? Are we really happy? Do we live in harmony with others?
Life is simple and unpredictable, not always easy, and human beings unconsciously complicate it by remaining prisoners of their mind and survival emotions, which prevent them from moving forward lightly, evolving and blossoming.
certified in:
coaching (PCC-ICF level),
emotional intelligence,
collective group intelligence,
situational leadership,
positive intelligence and
with a master’s degree in ECONOMICS and BUSINESS.
my accompaniments
For me, coaching is an ART based on empatheticlistening that goes beyond words and appearances, accompanied by deep, intuitive questioning . My role is to reconnect you to yourself so that you can find the answers you’re looking for, whatever the field (private and/or professional) and enable you to move forward in life. My knowledge of human mental functioning (psychic and emotional), its somatic impact on the physical and the link with the soul enable me to offer support with a global approach.
Basically, I’ve accumulated about 6000 hours of individual and team coaching in a professional environment, not counting those in my private environment. I took 3 years of training before making it my profession.
Mentoring makes sense to me, especially in the professional world. My role is to share my expertise with new professionals, managers and executives in management and leadership. I’m something of a fount of knowledge and experience, with over 20 years of management and leadership experience in intercultural and multi-generational environments. I’m happy to share my experience with you, according to your needs, in order to encourage, advise, guide and evaluate together the best decisions and/or actions to take for your professional development and/or the management of your activities, whether in business, managing particular changes and/or managing teams.
At the root of complex problem-solving, creativity and innovation lies the ability to adopt different points of view from the usual ones, to combine points of view through the interaction of different intelligences, to cooperate in solving the same problem and to consider it in the wider context of the organization, society and network.
When we talk about collective intelligence, we’re talking about increasing and broadening the intelligence of a group by triggering a POWERFUL ENERGY that sets in motion the generation of ideas, one after the other, welcoming even the most extravagant. And the more different the group, the richer the process.